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Web portal

An Internet portal, or as it is also known – a web portal, is not a technical or technological concept, but rather a marketing or user tool. In other words, it is a web-resource, the value of which is created by its visitors and it is monetized through advertising or content.

An internet portal is a multi-level functional platform that contains a whole host of interactive services that may include certain services and links to other web resources. It is a fully-fledged web resource with an expanded structure and thoughtful navigation, which helps users get to the desired section of the site or find the necessary information.

A web portal is a website that acts as a starting point for many other sites. A web portal offers a user information, arranged in a way that is most convenient for the user. Portals cover a lot more things than regular websites.

All modern Internet portals are divided into the following types:

  • Horizontal. It is a universal web portal, whose pages are filled with many functions, services and topics. The main objective of horizontal Internet portals is to reach out to a wide audience and provide them with the most useful information;
  • Vertical. It is a web portal, whose pages contain information on a certain topic. The main objective of vertical Internet portals is to reach out to a niche audience who are interested in a specific topic, for example: sport. The audience is enticed through the following functions: ratings, assessments, comments, forums, blogs, personal profile with special status, etc.

The types of vertical portals:

  • Corporate. It’s an expanded and improved version of a corporate website, which allows potential customers, existing partners or even a company’s staff to get the necessary information. There may even be closed Internet portals, through which staff of different departments of the same company interact;
  • State. All the information about the activities of state bodies is gathered on this type of portals as well as services they provide including administrative, legislative documents, searching services etc ;
  • Regional. Regional portals contain information from a specific region or city. They cover the life and events of a particular region. They may also include services through which users can communicate with each other;
  • News. News portals are focused primarily on bringing news to the public. Often grouped into local, regional, national, and international news;
  • Entertainment. Entertainment portals feature entertainment content.

An Internet portal is a difficult resource to develop, since it involves the implementation of many functional modules. At ITLab Studio, a large number of professionals are involved in the process of creating Internet portals. 

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