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Website promotion (SEO) brief

The search engine optimization brief will help us identify the goals and objectives of the promotion and calculate the budget. Through the information provided by this brief, we will also gain an understanding of your company, study your competition and demand for your products or services on the Internet. You must fill out this brief as comprehensively as possible if costly re-iterations and miscommunications are to be avoided. We guarantee full confidentiality of the information provided to us.

If you have difficulties in completing certain fields of this brief you can skip them. Just fill in the fields marked as ‘required’. After processing the brief, we’ll get in touch with you to get the missing information.

Required fields!

Contact details
(If possible, describe their strengths and weaknesses. Indicate their websites)
(Indicate the features of the products, services, production process, etc.)
(age, gender, interests, lifestyle, education level, standard of living, etc.)
2. General questions in regard to promotion
(What has been done on the site with regard to SEO ?)
(Indicate links to the relevant pages / sections of the site)